The character designs are still 2D, but enhanced from the SNES originals. There will be 3D battlefields with lighting effects and snazzier special effects.

They can grant your characters a wide variety of skills and can be picked up off the corpses of fallen enemies. Tarot Cards are special items you can use to grant yourself special abilities.It creates a branching path such that you can even go back to previous alternate actions should you desire. The Chariot Tarot card (system) allows you to rewind the battle as far back as 50 character actions to go about the battle differently.The World Tarot card (system) allows you to go back and view a timeline of the events so far, re-watch cutscenes, replay previous battles, and even explore alternate branches of the game and to play and re-play those missions as well.Here's some of the known changes: New Features

Square-Enix is going through great lengths to modernize the game. With revamped 2D and 3D visuals, refined gameplay systems, new characters, and new story chapters, this game is more than a straight port or remake. Despite him leaving Square-Enix in 2005, he is working with them and a coalition of other Tactics Ogre developers to complete this game.

The project is to be headed by Yasumi Matsuno, the lead designer of the original Tactics Ogre, Ogre Battle, and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is a remake of the Super Famicom/PS1 game of the same name.