Here is a short video demonstration by BenderSKR: Semi Auto and Automatic available, different Materials changeable at the Weapons Workbench.

There are tons of mods, I do not feel like listing them all. This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by jazzon.This mod adds the SCAR-LK Assault Rifle to the game. Using the cotton, frost and fire salts, a potion (ointment) could be brewed by Rosalyn and Zora working together, but it must be accomplished within the crystal, since leaving the environment of the crystal would remove the “Heal Zora’s Scars” magical property from the cotton.Roslyn accidentally imbued the ‘Zora’s Cotton’ with healing properties (her regret at the original accident caused this emotional attachment of power when the cotton was generated from Rasalyn’s mind by the crystal). Possibly require the finding of Hag (hmmm….anyone been to Birds Eye?) who could help them with the old magic to get back into the crystal. This might be a side quest since a way would have to be found into a world which is already no longer existing, along with a way to leave it voluntarily. She noticed the extra power in the cotton, but also noted that it faded very very quickly, concluding that the treatment must occur WITHIN the crystal.

Alas she only brought a single sample, and that is now gone.